
EKKAF is the sole supplier of AGOM bearings in Greece.

For the supply of bearings, EKKAF S.A. cooperates with the Italian company AGOM with 60 years of experience in the field, who manufactures bearings certified in accordance with the European standard ΕΝ1337.

Bearings are designed and manufactured to transmit vertical and horizontal loads from the superstructure to the substructure, while allowing specific movements and rotations of the superstructure caused by wind or seismic effects, temperature variations, deck deflections, elastic shortening due to creep, shrinkage or post-tensioning, etc.

The choice of the type of bearing to be used depends on the type of structures, on the design loads, movements and rotations and can be affected also by the environmental conditions of the project.

With EKKAF SA you are given the opportunity to optimize the design of the bearings, based on the loads and the design movements, in order to meet the regulations and reduce the cost of supply as well as to modify the anchoring conditions of the components of the structure to facilitate the construction.

The main types of bearings are:

EKKAF SA with its experienced and specialized personnel also makes installation and replacement of bearings.